Asbestos: 'Dad should still be here'

Описание к видео Asbestos: 'Dad should still be here'

Greg Hopkins had "a passion for life".
He completed 77 marathons before his death in 2014.
He was diagnosed with mesothelioma at the age of 60 and passed away two years later.
Mesothelioma is a cancer that has a strong link to asbestos exposure and symptoms can take decades to develop.
Mr Hopkins had worked in a number of factories and industries throughout the years.
His son Chris said: "Dad should still be here today and would be if it wasn't for asbestos."
Chris and his family received some compensation through one of the government run asbestos compensation schemes available in Northern Ireland.
BBC News NI can reveal that the government has paid out more than £40m in compensation for asbestos-related illnesses in Northern Ireland since 2011.
Read more here.
Video journalist: Niall McCracken


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