Abraham: Man of Faith - A Sermon on John

Описание к видео Abraham: Man of Faith - A Sermon on John


In this sermon from his series on John 1:12–13, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the richness of assurance of salvation. He highlights the beautiful truth that Christians are not only forgiven of sins when we come to believe in Christ, but they are also born again. They are born not of flesh, but of God and adopted in as His children. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also brings in the illustration of faith and assurance in the life and person of Abraham. He encourages us from Abraham’s example found in Genesis 15, Hebrews 11:8–12, and other Scripture references. The listener hears of Abraham’s deep faith in God, his faith in action, and God’s plan. Despite the fact that God’s promises to Abraham were not immediately fulfilled, and the way of fulfillment was unknown, Abraham still “went out not knowing where he was going” because he believed God and His promises. Dr. Lloyd-Jones urges the listener to consider their faith: do they believe God and His promises? Do they not only intellectually believe, but also live out faith in obedience? Do they live in the blessed joy of assurance?


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