L6: Byzantine Fault Tolerance

Описание к видео L6: Byzantine Fault Tolerance

Describes the Byzantine Generals Problem in a hopefully understandable way. Inspired by the original paper by Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak and Marshall Pease:


Want more? Go read about "Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Proactive Recovery" by Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov:


You can also read about (or watch the infinite number of videos on) Bitcoin/Blockchain. Sadly due to the Bitcoin mania many of these descriptions are less-than-fully-accurate as far as the fault model goes, so don't bet your money based only on them. ;-)

See http://www.distributedsystemscourse.com for more information about this series, the class project, and links to slides.

0:00 Introduction
0:14 Failure classification
6:00 Consensus: The Two Generals Problem
8:10 Two Generals Problem: solved?
11:54 The problem
15:25 The question
19:35 Simulation proof
21:11 What can you do?
21:37 Inductive Solution for Oral Messages
23:01 How this works with m=1
24:39 Running Time


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