Mega Man 4 - Dr. Cossack's Fortress : Stage 1

Описание к видео Mega Man 4 - Dr. Cossack's Fortress : Stage 1

Onward! Now we must take on the ever so stereotypically Russian scientist... Dr. Cossack! This stereotypical theme is emphasized more with a very stereotypically designed fortress! Of course... this game was made so long ago that it was before stereotypes became exceptionally cliche... Dr. Cossack has nothing on Dr. Wily though! He does not even get a special intro to eye-brow waggle or anything!

The first stage is snow themed (big surprise), and is actually quite the pesky little stage. Lots of bottomless pits, icy floors, enemies designed to knock you off of ladders... what a pain, eh? The stage is still pretty quick though... provided you do not get killed or anything like that. The boss itself is a joke... pelt it with rings until it goes kaboom. Just... try not to get hit by its slow-moving shots or the drill thing it uses every now and then... I have no idea what the boss is supposed to be, it looks completely messed up.



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