Describe Helen episode in Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. (ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলা)

Описание к видео Describe Helen episode in Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. (ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলা)

Helen episode in Dr Faustus .

Answer. When one of the scholars desires to see the "peerless dame of Greece", Helen, Faustus summons her by the power of his magic so that the scholars may be able to see her. When she appears, Faustus becomes astonished at her beauty. He recalls that it was for the sake of this beautiful woman that the Greek warriors sailed across the ocean and besieged the city of Troy which they ultimately destroyed. Planting a kiss on her honeyed lips, Faustus remarked that it would make him immortal. He feels that, because of the pleasure which Helen's kiss has given him, his soul has been brought out of his body and he asks her to give his soul back to him so that he can kiss her again. He found all the blessings of heaven in those sweet lips and feels that everything apart from Helen was worthless. Faustus wants to be the lover of Helen like Paris who carried off her from her home in Greece to his native city of Troy. He says that even if his own city Wittenberg is destroyed like Troy, he will be the lover of Helen. He compares her beauty with the loveliest sights of nature and the goddesses famous for their beauty and splendour. He regards her beauty as being greater than that of the evening sky. She is brighter than Jupiter when that god appeared in all his glory to his beloved Semele, she was burnt to death by his fiery brightness. Heles is more beautiful than the sungod, Apollo, when he was enjoying the pleasure of love in the arm of water nymph, Aresthusa.



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