LSAT 5lb Book | The Most LSAT Practice Problems

Описание к видео LSAT 5lb Book | The Most LSAT Practice Problems

Take your prep to the next level:

Manhattan Prep’s 5lb Book of LSAT Practice Drills has more than 5,000 problems for you to tackle! It also teaches you why you’re getting questions wrong so you can study SMARTER:

If you’re preparing to take the LSAT, you want to be prepping as efficiently and effectively as possible. You want to learn from your mistakes, and really make sure you’re grasping all the material so you know exactly why you’re getting questions right, and exactly why you’re getting questions wrong.

The LSAT 5lb Book can help demystify that for you! And talk about comprehensive - this book has 5,000 practice problems for you to work on. What sets this book apart is that it’s not just a book of practice questions. It’s a book of practice questions specifically designed by our expert top-scoring LSAT Instructors to help you turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Don’t keep doing practice questions over and over and over again with no improvement. Let the 5lb Book take away the mystery and tell you exactly why you’re getting things wrong and what exact skills you need to be working on to see improvement. Prep smarter and more effectively. No more wasted time, not on our watch!

Ready to find out more? Get the book here:

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