Palisade Traverse

Описание к видео Palisade Traverse

Palisades Traverse from Thunderbolt to Sill - we went with, and recommend Sierra Mountain Center for guides, in particular Dave Stimson and Tyler Logan. The plan had been to do a continuous traverse with a bivy between North Pal and Polemonium; BUT, with potential weather on the bivy night, it was decided to break the traverse up and sleep low. Day 1 was up and over Bishop Pass, and then over to Thunderbolt Col, where we set up camp.

Day 2 started up the SW Chute #1 to start the traverse from Thunderbolt Peak to Starlight Peak and then onto North Pal. We went down the Analog U Notch and back to camp. Then, the next morning, we hiked back UP the Analog U Notch (ugh), climbed Polemonium and then hiked over to Sill. You get to climb back over the summit of Polemonium again before rappelling back to the U notch and then back to camp. Day 4 we hiked back to the trailhead at South Lake.


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