Praktis, Lengkap: Resep Ketupat Sayur Bakso, Menu Lebaran Wajib!

Описание к видео Praktis, Lengkap: Resep Ketupat Sayur Bakso, Menu Lebaran Wajib!

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00:00 : intro
01:35 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:25 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
08:55 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to serve and plate)


Ketupat Sayur salah satu makanan khas betawi, memiliki ciri khas kuah santan kuning cair yang dipadukan dengan sayuran labu siam, tahu, dan telur. Di resep ini aku menambahkan bakso daging untuk menambah cita rasa semakin komplit dan lezat, cocok disajikan sebagai menu sarapan, sahur, buka puasa, maupun untuk acara keluarga.

Resep Ketupat Sayur Bakso

Bahan ketupat:
1 cup beras
3 cup air

Bahan bumbu halus:
5 siung bawang putih, iris
8 siung bawang merah
3 butir kemiri
5 cm kunyit
3 cm jahe, iris
4 cm lengkuas, iris
1-2 batang serai, iris
5 buah cabai merah keriting, iris
2 sdt ketumbar
Minyak secukupnya

Bahan lainnya:
250 gr bakso sapi Sumber Selera
4 buah tahu goreng
3 buah labu siam kecil, iris memanjang
3 buah wortel, iris memanjang
10 buah cabai hijau keriting
Cabai rawit sesuai selera
5 lembar daun salam
Telur rebus sesuai selera
250 ml santan instan kental
Air secukupnya
Garam, gula, penyedap, dan lada sesuai selera

Bawang goreng
Kerupuk, dll

1. Blender bumbu halus
2. Tumis bumbu hingga kering dan wangi
3. Masukkan air, masak hingga mendidih
4. Masukkan labu siam, wortel, cabai, tahu, dan daun salam
5. Bumbui dengan garam, gula, penyedap, dan lada
6. Masukkan bakso Sumber Selera yang sudah dibelah empat bagian atasnya
7. Masukkan telur rebus
8. Tambahkan santan, aduk rata
9. Sajikan dengan ketupat / lontong dan taburi dengan bawang goreng

Langkah membuat ketupat:
1. Cuci bersih beras. Pastikan ditiriskan hingga air sudah tidak ada
2. Masukkan beras dan air ke dalam rice cooker. Masak hingga matang
3. Lumatkan nasi menggunakan hand blender
4. Cetak di wadah berbentuk kotak atau menggunakan daun pisang
5. Diamkan selama 3-4 jam (bisa dalam keadaan terbuka / tertutup)
6. Ketupat siap digunakan

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Complete, Practical Eid al-Fitr Menu. Indonesian Rice Cake with Veggies and Meatballs.

Ketupat Sayur (Indonesian Rice Cake with Veggies) is a signature dish from Betawi. It has a distinct yellow coconut milk broth with chayotes, tofu, and egg. This recipe is a bit different because I'm adding meatballs to the mix. Of course, it makes the dish even more complete and suitable for breakfast, Suhoor, Iftar, and other family gatherings.

Ketupat Sayur Bakso (Indonesian Rice Cake with Veggies and Meatballs) Recipe

Ketupat (Rice Cake) ingredients:
1 cup rice
3 cups water

Spice blend ingredients:
5 clove garlic, sliced
8 pc shallots
3 pc candlenuts
5 cm turmeric
3 cm ginger, sliced
4 cm galangal, sliced
1-2 stalk lemongrass, sliced
5 pc curly red chili, sliced
2 tsp coriander
Cooking oil as needed

Other ingredients:
250 g Sumber Selera beef meatballs
4 pc fried tofu
3 pc small chayotes, sliced lengthwise
10 pc curly green chili
Bird's eye chili, to taste
5 pc bay leaves
Boiled egg, to taste
250 ml instant coconut milk
Water as needed
Salt, sugar, flavor enhancers, and pepper as needed

Fried shallots
Crackers, etc

1. Blend the spices.
2. Sauté the spice paste until reduced and fragrant.
3. Add water and bring to a boil.
4. Add the chayotes, carrots, chili, tofu, and bay leaves.
5. Season with salt, sugar, flavor enhancers, and pepper.
6. Add the Sumber Selera meatballs that have been cut into a plus at the top.
7. Add the boiled eggs.
8. Add coconut milk and mix well.
9. Serve with ketupat / lontong and sprinkle with fried shallots.

Steps to making ketupat (rice cake):
1. Rinse the rice. Make sure to drain the water completely.
2. Add the rice and the water into the rice cooker. Cook until done.
3. Mash the rice with a hand blender.
4. Mold in a square container or use banana leaves.
5. Let it rest for 3-4 hours.
6. The rice cake is ready to use.


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