GBO2 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam: Let's go wild with NT-D!

Описание к видео GBO2 RX-0 Unicorn Gundam: Let's go wild with NT-D!

This video contains two matches I had with the recently buffed Unicorn Gundam on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 700 cost general with good mid-range damage in normal mode, absurd melee output in NT-D mode, a great dual beam saber downswing animation, pretty good stagger output, great mobility in NT-D mode, access to LV2 Power Accelerator alongside good durability in Awaken mode. Its weaknesses include only having 20000 HP, having poor ranged damage in NT-D mode, awful ranged damage in Awaken mode, high HP drain in NT-D mode and much more modest melee damage in Awaken mode. I decided to revisit this suit again since 700 cost has been in rotation very often with the recent special battle playlist, it feels as fun as ever to play yet at the same time, it feels like it is lacking something when compared to other generals. I hope that you enjoy watching!

Its primary ranged weapon is a beam magnum with 3600 power, 5 ammo, 5 seconds cooldown, 14 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap time, 350m range, 0.8 seconds focus time and 10% stagger value. This needs to focus before firing, but it does incredible damage and has a small splash radius. It can really chunk enemies if you are in normal mode.
Its primary melee weapon is a single beam saber (two in NT-D) with 2900 power, 2.5 (2) seconds cooldown, 0.77 (0.5) seconds swap time and standard melee modifiers (70% combo modifier and 90%x2 downswing modifier in NT-D). This is a pretty standard beam saber before transformation, but it has a wide sweeping moveset with amazing speed and damage after NT-D activates.
Its first sub weapon is a head vulcan with 150 power, 40 ammo, 600 RPM, 11 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap time, 200m range, 1500 DPS and 6% stagger value. This is really strong for a head vulcan, with great DPS and the ability to stagger in just 1.7 seconds.
Its second sub weapon is a shrapnel bazooka with 300x11 power, 5 ammo, 5.5 seconds cooldown, 10 seconds reload, 1 second swap time, 200m range and 15%x11 stagger value. This is a versatile weapon with both high damage and stagger power, more accurate at close range. This has good stagger value so it can stun suits in one shot, you can follow up with vulcans if you miss some shots. It is not so accurate at longer range.
Its third sub weapon is a beam tonfa with 3500 power, 2 seconds cooldown, 0.33 seconds swap time, 100% side swing modifier and 150% downswing modifier. This has absolutely incredible power, but all the swings are quite slow. It isn't practical to initiate combos with this, but it is excellent for using after a double saber downswing.

The Unicorn Gundam has 20000 HP, 24 ballistic resist, 25 beam resist and 29 melee resist. This level of HP is quite low for 700 cost, it is tied with the Nu Gundam for having the lowest at this cost for LV1 suits. It gets better once Awaken mode is activated, but it isn't great before that. It has a 10% leg buffer, LV1 Maneuver Armor and LV1 Emergency Evasion before NT-D; but it gets a 15% leg buffer, LV2 Emergency Evasion once it does turn on.
It also has 135 (140) walk speed, 225 (235) boosting speed, 75 thrust and 75 (87) turning speed. It has decent mobility before NT-D, but it gets pretty amazing mobility once it activates. It has LV2 Forced Injector and Flight Control normally, but these are buffed to LV4 and LV3 respectively once NT-D turns on.
Its most important skill is the LV1 NT-D System, which can be activated via the touchpad at 80% HP or less. This drains 75 HP per second, but grants +40 melee modifier, -20 ranged modifier, all the aforementioned skills and stat boosts, LV1 Offence System, LV2 Power Accelerator along with fully repairing leg and head HP. After 30 seconds have passed in NT-D it can then activate Awaken mode via the touchpad. This restores 4000 HP, stops the HP drain and decreases incoming damage by 15%. This comes at the cost of -45 melee modifier and -20 ranged modifier though, so carefully consider if it is worth activating or not.

In conclusion, I feel like the Unicorn Gundam is okay and certainly good enough to have a fighting chance against other 700 generals, but IMO it is still weaker than them. In NT-D mode its melee damage is second only to Banshee Norn, but with the added benefit of the excellent dual saber downswing and access to LV2 Power Accelerator. This is really nice, but you aren't spending most of the game in NT-D mode, once you activate Awaken your melee damage falls beneath that of what other generals have. I feel like it could get some buffs to bring it properly up to par, such as +2000 HP, 200%~ shrapnel bazooka accumulation power, -50 HP lost per second in NT-D rather than -75, -10 range mod in Awaken rather than -20 alongside -30 melee mod in awaken rather than -45. It is still a good enough option if you like how it plays though. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it!

Music used:

Ronin Blade (PS1), Yukinosuke

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible


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