Описание к видео Creamy Gurih! Resep ZUPPA SOUP AYAM [CHICKEN POT PIE]

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00:00 : intro
01:35 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:55 : rebus ayam dan wortel (boiling the chicken and carrot)
03:32 : siapkan bahan isian (prepping the filling)
04:46 : membuat isian pie (making the pie filling)
06:48 : tuang isian pie ke wadah (pouring the pie filling into the cups)
06:56 : siapkan puff pastry dan panggang (prepping the puff pastry and baking the pie)
08:15 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepChickenPie #ResepZuppaSoup #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Chicken Pot Pie (untuk 9 pcs)

Bahan kaldu ayam:
500 gr ayam paha bawah
2 buah wortel
2 batang seledri ukuran besar
2 lembar bay leaf
3 siung bawang putih
1 liter air
¼ sdt lada hitam

Bahan lainnya:
6 sdm tepung terigu protein sedang
4 sdm mentega tawar
200 ml cooking cream
½ sdt garam
1 sdt gula pasir
1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk
⅛ sdt merica
⅛ sdt pala bubuk
550 ml kuah kaldu ayam

Bahan isian:
½ buah bawang bombai ukuran besar
150 gr sosis ayam
195 gr chicken luncheon
100 gr kacang polong

Puff pastry
Telur untuk olesan
Wijen putih

1. Rebus air, ayam,wortel, bawang putih, bay leaf, seledri, dan lada hitam. Masak hingga mendidih kemudian lanjut masak di api kecil selama 15 menit
2. Potong kotak bawang bombai, chicken luncheon dan sosis
3. Keluarkan wortel dari panci kemudian potong kotak-kotak
4. Panaskan sedikit minyak, tumis bawang bombai hingga wangi kemudian masukkan chicken luncheon, dan sosis, tumis sesaat
5. Masukkan mentega, tepung terigu, dan pala bubuk, aduk sesaat lalu masukkan kuah kaldu sambil disaring
6. Suwir ayam, potong-potong lalu masukkan ke dalam kuah
7. Masukkan wortel, kacang polong, garam, gula pasir, merica, kaldu ayam, dan cooking cream, masak sesaat
8. Tuang ke dalam wadah tahan panas kemudian bagi 4 puff pastry, simpan di atas cetakan
9. Oles dengan telur dan taburkan wijen. Panggang di suhu 190 derajat celcius selama 15 menit
10. Chicken pot pie siap disajikan

Jangan lupa cek Instagram @WINNGAS
Instagram:   / winngas  


Chicken Pot Pie Recipe (yield 9 pcs)

Chicken Stock ingredients:
500 g drumstick
2 pc carrot
2 pc celery, large
2 pc bay leaf
3 clove garlic
1 L water
¼ tsp black pepper

6 tbsp all-purpose flour
4 tbsp unsalted butter
200 ml cooking cream
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp chicken powder
⅛ tsp pepper
⅛ tsp nutmeg powder
550 ml chicken stock

Filling ingredients:
½ pc onion, large
150 g chicken sausage
195 g chicken luncheon
100 g peas

Puff pastry
Egg for egg wash
White sesame seeds

1. Boil the water. Add chicken, carrot, garlic, bay leaf, celery, and black pepper. Bring to a boil, then continue cooking on low heat for 15 minutes.
2. Dice the onion, chicken luncheon, and sausage.
3. Remove the carrot from the saucepan, then dice.
4. Heat some oil. Sautè the onion until fragrant, then add chicken luncheon and sausage. Cook for a moment.
5. Add butter, flour, and nutmeg powder. Cook for a moment, then strain in the stock.
6. Shred the chicken. Slice, then add into the soup.
7. Add carrot, peas, salt, sugar, pepper, chicken powder, and cooking cream. Cook for a moment.
8. Pour the soup into heat-proof cups, then slice the puff pastry into 4 pieces. Place on top of the cups.
9. Brush the puff pastry with egg and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake on 190°C for 15 minutes.
10. Chicken Pot Pie is ready to serve.


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