Psalms from Zion - JHARI album promo

Описание к видео Psalms from Zion - JHARI album promo

JHARI is an album that gyrates around Hosea 6:1-3, marking the prophetic first (His sacrificial death), second (Revive) and third day (Mt. Zion).
Through creation, we can perhaps glimpse His divine nature and his work (Romans 1:20). Water cycle as such, water, evaporates into water vapor to form clouds and it will precipitate back to earth in the form of rain, anytime, as it is in nature's will for that event to occur. Yeshua, the water of life ( John 4:14) pouring forth blood and water(John 19:34) was offered and pierced at the cross. Light shined in the darkness, prophetic day first (Gen 1:5). " ... but if I depart, I will send Him to you." ( John 16:7). The Holy Spirit as a former rain came down at the beginning of day two in Acts 2. However, " ... His favor is as a cloud of the latter rain." (Proverbs 16:15). , the latter rain is provisioned at the end of day two, as it is in Father's will to pour out His Spirit to zenith, to a chosen generation and it's breathtaking to be a part of such generation, who will end froth this day... we are born for this.

"And there was evening and there was morning, the third day"(Gen 1:13) . There is a very thin line between day two and day three. Just an inch after the darkest night (evening) will be day three, where we will gaze unto the King in His glorious beauty.


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