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Intro 0:00
Builds Overview 0:11
Chatterbox 2.0 Build 1:59
Tommy M1928 Heartbreaker 5:14
Backfire SMG Build 7:53
Outro 10:39
Hello guys it's Prajna, welcome back to another division 2 video. So in today's video, I'm gonna showcase 3 powerful SMG builds to use for the year six season 2 shades of red. These three builds work great for solo PVE and are super viable for farming heroic content out in the open world in the division 2. The first build on this list is an extremely powerful chatterbox build leveraging the power of the striker's battlegear set. The chatterbox is very similar to the ouroboros and its RPM is deadly when combined with the striker gearset. So this is a great build for players who want to deal out an insane amount raw weapon damage. The next build on this list is a well-balanced SMG build with both survivability and damage. This build uses the M1928. A classic Tommy gun from the call of duty franchise to deal out a godly amount of weapon damage.
So guys, this first build is a four piece striker's battlegear setup with one piece Sokolov and the memento exotic backpack. And since this is an SMG build, the intimidate talent on the Sokolov vest works really well. Intimidate will basically grant you up to 36% increased weapon damage at full stacks. And, the memento backback is an excellent addition because it not only helps activate the intimidate talent, but it also grants an increased weapon damage, skill efficiency, and bonus armor. So with the memento backpack, you will need to collect trophies which will provide you with a short and long term buff. The short term buff will give you the following attribute bonuses, so weapon damage, bonus armor, and skill efficiency. And this will scale to the amount you have equipped. And with intimidate, you will gain 1 stack each second up to a max of 9. And each stack will increase your weapon damage by 4% , however, all stacks are lost when you have no bonus armor. But the long term buff from the memento talent gives you armor regen. Now for the primary weapon, the chatterbox has a very decent talent.
Okay guys, this next build is crazy. So for anyone who's seen my recent heartbreaker AR build video, well, this is very similar to that. So uh, it's basically an SMG version. So this is a 4 piece heartbreaker set up with the M1928, which is basically the tommy gun. And since the tommy gun has a very low RPM, I decided to go with the new Centurion scabbard holster because it will provide a 20% rate of fire and weapon damage increase, as well as a 50% magazine size and reload speed increase. This is really nice to have because this gun already has such an extremely high base damage. And since I swap between weapons to build my heartbreaker stacks, this works out well. For the talent on this weapon, since most of the gun fights will be up close, I'm using the close and personal talent which grants 30% increased weapon damage after killing an enemy within 7 meters for 10 seconds. For the secondary weapon, I'm using the named rockn roll shotgun to build up heartbreaker stacks, oh and since this is an SMG build, I'm not able to use the linked laser pointer.
Okay, so this last build is a bit more intricate than the first two but it's very fun to use and has decent damage. This is a high-end build with the ninja bike exotic backpack. So for those who don't know, this backpack's talent will basically reduce both gearset and brandset bonus requirements by one piece. So in other words, I only have one piece cavalier equipped, and I get the 2 piece bonus which is 30% hazard protection. This exotic backpack is a great addition for putting together some very powerful hybrid builds. So for the primary weapon, I'm using the backfire exotic SMG. This weapon is actually surprisingly good if you can set it up to where you don't have to worry about the negative side effects. So with the weapon talent, dealing damage to enemies adds a stack of 2% critical hit damage, stacking up to 100 stacks, so that's 200% critical hit damage at max stacks, right?
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