Post-conflict Identity | Cynthia Chigwenya | TEDxLytteltonWomen

Описание к видео Post-conflict Identity | Cynthia Chigwenya | TEDxLytteltonWomen

People come into this world with roughly half of who they are already in place because of genetics, prenatal influences and biological factors. That lays the foundation of our identity. But what if your identity has led to the extermination of over 800 000 of your fellow tribesmen? What if your identity- who you are is the precise reason you shouldn’t be? This is a story of post-conflict reconstruction. A talk that brings to the fore the experiences of victims and survivors of the infamous genocide against the Tutsis and the silenced Gukurahundi massacres. This talk embodies the spirit of hope, and resilience. Moreover, the stories show that one does not choose to be a human being but, no matter the ordeal we have the choice to be humane beings. Miss Cynthia Chigwenya is an aspiring diplomat and a young global leader who believes that the betterment of Africa is our shared
responsibility. I take personal and professional interest in post-conflict
development; which is core to the deepening of democracy in Africa
and globally. I have participated in the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA, 2015) competition, presented at the Laureate's International Conference on Undergraduate Research (ICUR,2016) and was selected to be a part of the Seeking Justice Tour (2017)delegation to South Africa and Rwanda. l am currently pursuing a post-graduate degree in Development Studies, focusing on social injustice, reconciliation, and development in Africa.Thus far, I have worked with various governmental, inter-governmental and non-profit organisations (listed in work experience section) that seek to advance and promote the Agenda 2030 and 2063 objectives. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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