Are You A Radiator Or A Drain?

Описание к видео Are You A Radiator Or A Drain?

Are you a radiator? Or are you a drain?

Let me explain.

There are two kinds of people in this world. radiators who lift, inspire, give heat and energy and motivation and help you to achieve things. And then there are the drains that people that just take, take take, take your energy away from you, and don't actually add anything to your life.

Do you know which kind of person you are?

I hope so and I hope you're a radiator.

Because if you're not stop watching this video , this isn't for you.

My communities are so important to me, the people in my life are so important to me, and everybody that's in my inner circle, are radiators, they lift and support and inspire each other.

And that's the beauty of life, we have so much in us, we have so many relationships, we have so many things go on that it's so important to have the right people in your life that you're connected to, in order for you to feel fulfilled, in order to help you help others feel fulfilled as well.
I used to have people in my life that only wanted to know me, because I could give them access to something. And I still have that now. And so I keep those people at an arm's length.
I know and understand from people's behaviour. Three studying people through psychology, what people really want. And this is a really vital part of life.

If you've ever sat there in a coffee shop, and just been people watching, you'll pick up on things and the way that people behave. And we can do this in business and in life. You can tell when people are genuine, you can tell when they just are there because they want something out of you. And that gut instinct, that feeling that you get physically when you're surrounded by the wrong kind of people.

Always trust that community is so important is absolutely imperative to everything in life. We're human beings. Throughout history, we've always come from tribes and we come together. And when we do things together, we go further, we do things better, we are better together. And one of my highest values is about creating community.

So me whether it's our mastermind, our fitness challenge, our meditation groups, whatever groups that we have, the people that are in there, they lift and support. If you are not the kind of person that lifts and inspires other people and supports and wants to support other people, then you're not my kind of person. The people that you surround yourself with will either help to make you or break you. And that's what our communities do, not to break you. We help you to make you we help you to unleash your inner confidence. understand who you are, connect better with yourself so that you're able to connect with other people in a much more positive way.

So that you can be the radiator that other people need and that you need for yourself as well. community comes from you understanding you first. It comes from you being connected with who you are, so that you know the very best way to live. And when you live in confidence with yourself, the community that you create and that you have around you makes a massive difference and has a huge impact on the way that you live your life, the actions that you take and the goals that you achieve. So take confident action and trust yourself to let the right people into your life so that you have the best kind of people around you. Be surrounded by radiators not by drain.


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