Motivation Is A Lie

Описание к видео Motivation Is A Lie

Born ready. And helping people to be born ready and stand up into their own power
is something that I absolutely love to do. And I'm going to say something a little controversial here.
Because I don't believe in motivation, I think motivation is a lie. What really gets results is discipline. I have people say to me all of the time, how are you so motivated to go to the gym every day and do all of the steps that you're doing and do the cardio plus the weights, I'm not motivated, I'm disciplined. And that's the difference. And that's the thing that helps you to get results is being disciplined towards your goals, and taking the necessary action to make it happen. Motivation can come and go, you can be sat on the sofa, and you can sit and chill and watch whatever you like on Netflix, or what I know what people watch, I don't watch TV. And you can be motivated and inspired by what other people do. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to take action to do it. What gets results is taking action. And therefore having the discipline to do things when you really don't want to is going to be the difference between you attaining your goals or not. Now, if you want to attain your goals, and you want to be confident, you want to be successful, you need to be disciplined. And I used to think that freedom meant doing whatever you want, whenever you want, and having no routine, no restrictions. But actually, discipline gives you freedom, and the ability to do so much more. When I realised this, my life became so much more expansive. And other times change so many more results and goals because of that. I'm at the end of this cut that I'm at at the moment, and I've lost 17 kilos. So lot. That has all come from being disciplined to take the action day after day after day, even when you don't feel like it. But the most important part about this is not just the discipline, it's having that reason why. Why do you want to do these things? Why do you want to attain this goal? When you have that reason, that purpose, the motivation. That's the purpose. That's the reason and the discipline is what gets you the results. So don't use I'm not motivated, you are motivated when you have a purpose. Attach your purpose. Attach your Y to your goals and you will get there a hell of a lot faster. And you will be so much more confident in yourself from doing so.


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