Predictive Processing Made Simple, Understand Predictive Processing Theory.

Описание к видео Predictive Processing Made Simple, Understand Predictive Processing Theory.

This video makes predictive processing made simple, and makes it simple to Understand Predictive Processing Theory.
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The video introduces the Psychosis Series, aiming to delve into psychosis with a clearer perspective. This video make predictive processing made simple. It critiques existing definitions of psychosis as vague or overly reliant on criteria like those for schizophrenia. The presenter promises to offer a cognitive model of psychosis drawn from various sources, including computational psychiatry papers and a blog. To understand predictive processing theory, the video first explains predictive processing, a model that elucidates how humans make sense of sensory data to construct a coherent perception of the world. Predictive processing posits the brain as a multi-layer prediction machine, with top-down predictions based on internal models and bottom-up sensations from external stimuli. The brain reconciles these streams through probabilistic inference, adjusting its models based on the incoming sensory data's precision. The video illustrates how predictive processing resolves conflicts between predictions and sensory input, emphasizing hierarchical processing from basic sensory data to abstract concepts. It concludes by suggesting that understanding predictive processing provides insights into psychosis, even if some concepts may initially seem confusing, encouraging viewers to persist in their understanding. Through this approach, the video aims to offer an intuitive grasp of the mechanisms underlying psychosis.


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