《觀山》李志純曲(委託創作,世界首演)Chihchun Chi-sun Lee: "Facing the Mountains", gCO, conducted by Chih-Sheng Chen

Описание к видео 《觀山》李志純曲(委託創作,世界首演)Chihchun Chi-sun Lee: "Facing the Mountains", gCO, conducted by Chih-Sheng Chen

《觀山》 Facing the Mountains
作曲Composer: 李志純 Chihchun Chi-sun Lee
指揮Conductor: 陳志昇 Chih-Sheng Chen
演出 Ensemble: 小巨人絲竹樂團 Little Giant Chinese Ensemble & friends
2024/04/07 《絲竹楓彩渲臺北》
地點Venue :臺北市中山堂光復廳
Program Notes:
Facing the Mountains is based on the inspirations of three mountains: Yangmingshan in Taipei City, Mount Damavand in Iran, and Mount Garibaldi in Vancouver, Canada. Taking its historical and humanistic background as the starting point, it is cross-culturally intertwined and shuttles between the cultural backgrounds of the three mountains: volcanoes; their relics of prehistoric human history and were later the residences of aboriginal tribes; moreover, each one of the three mountains has a rich historical trajectory and unique characteristics.
Facing the Mountains is funded by the Taipei City Government, Department of Cultural Affairs Commission grants.
【觀山】Facing the Mountains 是以台北市的陽明山、伊朗的德馬溫峰(Mount Damavand)及加拿大溫哥華的加里波第山 (Mount Garibaldi)為創作的泉源。以其歷史人文背景為出發點,跨文化交織且穿梭於三座山之文化背景之間。三座山皆為火山; 三座山皆有史前人類歷史的遺跡及之後為原住民部落的居所; 三座山皆各自具有豐富的歷史軌跡及獨特的特色。


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