ArcheAge Mod - Trash Quality

Описание к видео ArcheAge Mod - Trash Quality

Just kidding, it's just with textures turned off.

For those who want to give it a try, the console command is r_TexNoLoad = 1

I actually like the look and wouldn't mind having it on regularly. While ArcheAge looks pretty good in general, I feel like some areas don't have enough contrast to keep objects from blurring into each other. Other times, the custom shader they have for adding fine details (not sure if they're using bump maps or detail maps or whatever) ends up looking extremely messy. Really adds a great look to armor, but on vegetation and rocks, it's pretty nasty sometimes.

That said, this command doesn't work perfectly, which is why I probably won't use it in the future. Even if most textures aren't loaded in, there's some other stuff still working underneath. Lots of artifacts happening like random texture maps (faces appearing on the ground!) and reflections. And with no textures, you can't see any of your UI!

Surprisingly, frame rate and loading time didn't really change, indicating that perhaps the textures are still being processed somehow (?) Still, it turned out to be an interesting experiment.

BGM: 태초 (Beginning) - Civilization Online (XL Games)


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