The Best Method to Develop Your Intuition

Описание к видео The Best Method to Develop Your Intuition

Anxiety is the biggest thing that gets in the way of people listening to their own intuition, and this is because, when we come from an emotionally reactive place, we make decisions based on anxiety. These decisions soothe us in the short term because they take away the anxiety for the moment, and when we’re freaked out and constantly in an emotionally reactive state, that’s all that seems important.

However, when we’re in this constant reactive loop with anxiety that means we mainly focus on survival issues. We’re focused on the job that will give us a paycheck right now, the person that will make us feel less lonely right now, or what will distract or entertain us right now, so that we can feel better. When we only focus on what will make us feel better right now, we cut ourselves off from hearing our own intuition.

Intuition is almost always focused on the big picture and the long term. Intuition gives you the information you need to manifest your best life. It gives you messages about the work that you are meant to do as part of your soul purpose, the relationships that are truly in your highest good, and the activities that will help you build something worthwhile. The best way to develop your intuition is to understand that most of the time the information it gives you will be focused on small steps, and it may not seem glamorous. It might be something you don’t want to hear at the moment, or it might be something you feel is currently unbelievable. Learning how to develop your intuition requires that you keep an open mind every step of the way.

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