Rising Signs: Understanding Your Ascendant (How to Calculate Your Rising Sign and What it Means)

Описание к видео Rising Signs: Understanding Your Ascendant (How to Calculate Your Rising Sign and What it Means)

Anyone who is seeking more depth, wisdom and understanding of horoscopes, should also consider getting to know what rising signs mean as knowing your rising sign and the rising signs of those around you gives you a far deeper understanding and It’s important to know your rising sign because it makes astrology more individualized

Calculate Your Rising Sign: https://my.astrofame.com/astrology/ar...

Ascendant Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: 05:07

Ascendant Aries: 06:14

Ascendant Leo: 07:22

Ascendant Sagittarius: 08:15

Ascendant Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: 09:22

Ascendant Taurus: 10:08

Ascendant Virgo: 11:04

Ascendant Capricorn: 12:03

Ascendant Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: 12:54

Ascendant Gemini: 13:37

Ascendant Libra: 14:29

Ascendant Aquarius: 15:30

Ascendant Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: 16:19

Ascendant Cancer: 17:30

Ascendant Scorpio: 18:28

Ascendant Pisces: 19:30

I have many more videos planned for this channel, and some of these will cover the other planetary signs, your Moon sign, your Venus sign and much much more.

Thank you to those of you that are already supporting this small channel as I try to establish and grow, I appreciate you.


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