The World's Ugliest Buildings Designed By Legendary Architects

Описание к видео The World's Ugliest Buildings Designed By Legendary Architects

The architects highlighted in this video are some of the most legendary names in the field, paving the way for modern waves of architectural movements with uncanny creativity and foresight. A long tenure of successful buildings can make a great architect, but it doesn't guarantee a spotless career. Here we explore what some have called lapses in taste and judgment, by some of the world's greatest architects.

0:00 Intro
0:25 New Police Headquarters
1:00 Experience Music Project Museum
1:37 Barclays Center
2:13 Fang Yuan Building
2:39 Antilia
3:12 SIS Building
3:37 Tours Aillaud
4:08 Selfridges Building
4:33 Denver Public Library
5:00 Aoyama Technical College
5:20 Sharp Center for Design
5:47 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
6:08 Geisel Library

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