Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - Quick Yiazmat Fight

Описание к видео Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age - Quick Yiazmat Fight

Showcasing the 'quick Yiazmat fight' strategy for those that don't know it yet. For those that want to make a very tedious fight into a breeze that doesn't even take 10 minutes. And if you think this is cheap, well, honestly, if you want a good Yiazmat fight, do it in the Trial Mode. It's the same fight except it's not needlessly drawn out.

Balthier is wielding the Yagyu Darkblade with Black Robes and Germinas Boots equipped.
Basch is wielding the Kumbha with Genji Gloves equipped.
Penelo is wielding the Tournesol, though her main job is keeping everyone in good shape to keep attacking.

At the beginning of the fight, Basch and Ashe spam Wither on Yiazmat. Wither halves the enemy's strength with every use, which makes his attacks - all of them - only do very meager damage very quickly. This allows us to stay alive in critical HP without having to worry. Then, they also spam Expose on Yiazmat. Expose drops the enemy's defense by 30% every time, which improves our damage output in the long run. Once Yiazmat is fully Withered and Exposed, the slaughter can begin.

The gambit setup I use basically makes it so Penelo is the main supporter, wearing a Ribbon and curing any status ailments that may befall Balthier and Basch. She also keeps them in constant Bravery, and when their HP fall critical, she puts them in Berserk. Otherwise she attacks with the Tournesol. I recommend reviving people with Phoenix Downs as it puts them very close to critical HP, I only realized my error in using Raise halfway through the fight.

Of course Yiazmat has the habit of using moves than instantly kill, which means things won't go all that smoothly all the time. Make sure you have a backup team ready to revive your main team if things go awry. Fortunately I got lucky and Penelo only got KO'd while my attackers were not both in Berserk.

With low HP, Adrenaline, high combo rates and especially the Yagyu Darkblade with Black Robes, our damage output is pretty insane and the fight is over in roughly 8 minutes while playing on constant 4x speed, without really getting anywhere close to dying, ever.


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