WarioWare: Get it Together! - Sports (Jimmy T) - 100+ Points (All Crew)

Описание к видео WarioWare: Get it Together! - Sports (Jimmy T) - 100+ Points (All Crew)

Okay so it turned out to not be as hard as Anything Goes, not by a long shot.

Definitely a pretty rough stage, all things considered. Many microgames involve interacting with a ball or some kind of object which creates a lot of pretty advanced microgames where angle and power becomes very important. A bunch of microgames become way harder with characters who don't fly freely or have any significant amount of power.

Even then, there is the Reef-cycle one which feels very janky, water polo can be rough with some combos. Nothing too noteworthy but in general he does have a lot of pretty challenging microgames.

Run was pretty good. I extensively practiced a couple microgames prior to the run and it turned out to be a great idea, since the idea I had for Orbulon on Wobble Boxing actually happened at a crucial moment! Very happy that worked. In my usual fashion, my run falls apart not long after 100. Very silly mistakes but I guess I keep mentally checking out once my goal is reached. I should probably work to improve some of these runs.

One more negative thing for the game, though. It seems that a lot of boss stages start to lag really bad when you make it a long way in. I really wasn't expecting this to be one of them but it lagged on 90 and was horrendous and borderline unplayable on 105. How I bullshitted a win is beyond me. I sure didn't know what I was doing! It seems like the recording doesn't have the problem, but hopefully other people who reached these scores can vouch that it's kinda a problem. I don't remember any WarioWare boss stage having this problem.

But more importantly, that is all 10 characters complete! All stages with 100 or more points with every character! It sadly didn't take as long as I'd hoped because I started to binge the game pretty hard later on lol but it was sure fun! I could try to do the remixes next, but I think I'll slow down a little from here on. I'm not done with the game, but I do have uni work to get back to. Of course, it's very possible the next run ends up happening quickly anyway but oh well.


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