Fish are Gasping at Surface for Air? Top of the Tank

Описание к видео Fish are Gasping at Surface for Air? Top of the Tank

Aquarium fish will gasp for air at the surface of the water when there is a lack of oxygen. You need to add a device that brings more oxygenation inside the water. Add an air stone to your fish aquarium to add more oxygen to the water. By adding an air stone to your water you are adding small little mini bubbles which in fact are helping the fish receive oxygen.

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Your aquarium fish could be gas being at the surface seeking air because the water is polluted. Test your nitrate levels in your fish tank using a test kit or test strips. If your nitrate levels are over 40 ppm then you need to do a water change and add new water. Nitrate levels that high will cause stress to the fishes gills in actually start to burn their organs.

You can also test the ammonia levels in your aquarium if your fish are gasping for air at the surface. Ammonia levels being read in your aquarium water usually mean that your nitrogen cycle is screwed up inside the fish tank ecosystem. Research how you can fix this nitrogen cycle in your aquarium because it’s adequate for your aquarium fish to excel. 


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