Apple Watch Red Exclamation Mark Crash - Getting Apple to Fix if for Free

Описание к видео Apple Watch Red Exclamation Mark Crash - Getting Apple to Fix if for Free

In this video I discuss my experience working with Apple Support to fix an Apple Watch Red Exclamation Mark (REM) crash screen on a Series 2 model Apple watch deemed to be a "catastrophic" condition.

Video Index:

00:01 Begin Program
00:20 MMM Logo
00:28 Main Program Begin
00:45 Contact / Telephone No. for Apple Support
02:00 Show Apple Watch Startup to REM crash
10:34 Breaking News: Shipping Box received from Apple Support
13:24 Mailing Address and Location of Apple Repair Center
14:29 Breaking News: Repaired Watch Received back from Apple Support
17:40 First Start of Repaired Watch
20:03 Wrap up and final remarks

The REM condition has been talked about at length on various internet forums and articles. This means the REM has been well publicized and an ongoing problem Apple does already know about and can't claim ignorance to (though they will during your call), so educate yourself before you call so YOU will not be easily dissuaded from pursuing Apple to fix the defect in their product.

Beware and patient.

During my call I experienced a lot of "hoop" jumping prior to finally getting Apple to undertake the process of fixing their defective product. The operators are paid to be there, to waste your time, wear you down, and keep you spinning - and spiraling toward accepting the fact you have to pay to fix their defective product. Nope, stay professional and persistent. Respectfully ask to speak to their supervisor to discuss further options. (I know you'll want to scream at the top of your lungs, but remember, your goal - to get your watch fixed, not to simply vent.) Use counter-clever tactics right when the call starts. They will ask you all kinds of questions before you can even get a word in about the watch. Wait for it, then, recite the defective condition, out of no fault of your own, and the research shows the watch is defective and you'd like to have it restored (nice way to say fix it).

The Failed Air-Bag Example -

Like all defective products, the manufacture fixes a product defect, much like a failed vehicle AIR-BAG.

Manufactures don't tell the car owner to pay for and fix their failed AIR-BAGs do they? Of course not. The defective AIR-BAG is fixed and paid for by the manufacturer. The should also reimburse you for the time expense of having to bring their defective equipment to them so they can "get it right." What are you, a guinea pig?

Prepare for HOOP jumping -

So it was interesting to navigate around Apple Support's very professionally done "hoop" jumping and clever "gas lighting" attempts during the call. What I mean by gas-lighting (look it up, very interesting manipulation technique). Apple attempts to gas-light a caller by suggesting you broke the device by - bungy jumping off Mount Everest. They will try to get you to think about all kinds of crap. So, don't "admit" anything - they will have it on record and use it against you from that point forward. The watch failed, is in REM defect mode, please fix it.

Be prepared for the series of frustrating bog downs during the call as well. Long waits, security processes conducted during the call about your device, proof of ownership, use of Find My iPhone, caller verification, personal information acquisition. All this, per design, makes you sit there feeling like a Guantanamo detainee. All designed to soften you up and create the relationship they want between you and the operator. They are in control and you are not. Stay cool.

In any case, I hope after watching this video, you may be encouraged to pursue your claim for Apple Support repair services without having to pay to fix the REM.

Hint - Prepare before the call:

Research REM before calling Apple Support for services regarding your device.
Watch this video all the way through, each step I explain prepares you for success because you will have it in your sub-conscience pre-awareness programming.

You will ingrain it into your "Case" that your issue is a known issue, a defective product situation.

If not, Apple Support surely will try to capitalize on your lack of knowledge during the call.

In my experience, they worked the service request as a standard "Warranty" or "Service Charge" matter until you indicate otherwise by talking about specific references either from public or from Apple themselves regarding REM as a product defect matter, and not a simply "repair a watch that I broke myself," situation.

Good luck.

1. Apple Service Center
45 Logistics Drive, Suite 100
Carlisle, PA 17000 US

(Media File: 20190605 1930 Apple Watch REM Crash V12 Sections 20A b5B)

2) 04-08-2021 11:00 Cleaned up the description for grammar, clarity and conciseness.
1) 06-12-2020 20:00 Removed affiliate links, no longer associated with this video.


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