Are Your Hip Flexors Tight? Or Are They Weak?

Описание к видео Are Your Hip Flexors Tight? Or Are They Weak?

Most people feel like they have tight hip flexors, but what if they’re just weak?

Today we're going to show you a quick test see if your hip flexors need more than stretching.

Many people get caught up with constantly stretching but get no lasting results, they always feel tight and they always feel the need to stretch more.

To find out if your hip flexors are weak, try this simple test!
We go through what exercises to do if you pass or if you fail!

Stronger hip flexors should mean the tightness feeling will start to leave and once your hip flexors feel awesome you shouldn’t need to use this drill as often.

One of my big focus points is that mobility drills should be so effective that you don't need to do them all the time.

Always remember that weakness can cause that feeling of tightness also so stretching isn’t necessarily always the answer!

The hip flexor is only one element of what it takes to have healthy strong functioning hips! If you want to know more about complete hip mobility then check out the Complete Hip Conundrum blog ( OR just jump straight in for The Simplistic Mobility Method:


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If you would like to learn more about my methods, check out my website:

Find out more about our globally renowned Simplistic Mobility Method, designed to balance your body and keep you pain free here:

Or if you’re looking for a complete training program, one that shows you how to warm up correctly, teaches you core awareness, combines barbell and kettlebell strength sets effectively, uses bands for proper muscle activation and teaches you advanced skills using easy methods you need End Range Training:

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Tom Morrison is the creator of The Simplistic Mobility Method and works with athletes on prerequisite movement capabilities for optimal strength, performance, and reduced risk of injury. He is a British weightlifting coach, martial artist, CrossFit trainer and competitor.

His passion is getting people to live a pain free life so they can do the things they enjoy, he works with professional MMA fighters, golfers, football and rugby players, strongmen, powerlifters, experienced CrossFit athletes and weightlifters, people with no mobility, people with hypermobility, people with chronic back, knee and shoulder injuries, and most commonly people with general tightness or pain that can’t seem to figure out why.

See more from Tom:

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