How to Photograph and Process Forests

Описание к видео How to Photograph and Process Forests

Photographing forests can be challenging, lots of chaos, and then in dull weather, the contrast and colour can appear confusing, or boring. In this video we head into the forests around our home on the west coast of Scotland and find some appealing compositions. Later on, back in the office, I sit and work through ways to bring out colour, contrast and luminosity to make images that are evocative, mysterious and meaningful.

Atmosphere, Colour & Graphics are three of things we will look at in the field, and in front of the computer. I'll show how to quickly make images expressive and meaningful in just a few clicks of the mouse...

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Consider buying my eBook Luminosity & Contrast, a thorough and detailed guide on the whole concept of composition from a very practical and insightful viewpoint.


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