人均30元!美食攻略!廣州西華路!食到飽!燒生蠔38元一打!齋燒鵝6元!懷舊春卷4元!可遇不可求!你試過嗎?街頭美食!一個月也不重複!傳統市場買菜!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 人均30元!美食攻略!廣州西華路!食到飽!燒生蠔38元一打!齋燒鵝6元!懷舊春卷4元!可遇不可求!你試過嗎?街頭美食!一個月也不重複!傳統市場買菜!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #西華路 #美食

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/jweXWGjpLEP97...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/f5/OPpu
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/UuxwkZWkaT8U7...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/9e/ENTK
餐厅消费:自家養顏嚒喳 ¥15,仙草椰奶芋圓 ¥13
其東起人民北路,西至廣三鐵路邊,全長1600米,寬16米。 目前車輛通行方向除荔灣路以西路段為由西往東單向通行外,其餘路段均為雙向通行。
在古代時,是從彩虹橋(驛馬涌)登岸進入廣州的道路。 清朝初年稱為萬善裡,當時東段稱移民市,因清政府強迫番禺、新安、香山等縣的沿海居民遷移到此而得名,後改“移”為“宜”,稱宜民市 。 西華路口一段,原來無街。 由光復北路尾至彩虹橋一段,是合併宜民市、連桂坊、榮圩及彩虹橋直街而成,而至鐵路止。 1933年擴建道路並定今名。
齋燒鵝的顏色一般較齋雞粒略深,又因為顏色與燒鵝相似,故名為“齋燒鵝”,而做法與齋雞粒大致相同,據香港華園食品經營者稱,齋燒 鵝和齋雞粒的最大分別是在撈汁前的炸麵筋次數,前者的麵筋要炸兩次,後者只是炸一次,所以齋燒鵝口感較硬較脆,齋雞粒則較柔軟和煙 韌,兩者口感有別,卻可滿足不同人的喜好。
「齋燒鵝」外觀與齋雞粒十分相似,雖然名稱有「鵝」字,但是實際上沒有鵝肉,同樣是香港的特色小吃。 不過齋雞粒或齋燒鵝是否屬於純素食,則要視乎在調味料中有否加入雞粉或雞汁等可能含有肉類成分的調味劑。
Xihua Road is located in Guangzhou, China. It is an east-west road.
It starts from Renmin North Road in the east and ends at the Guangsan Railway in the west, with a total length of 1,600 meters and a width of 16 meters. Currently, except for the section west of Liwan Road, which is one-way traffic from west to east, the remaining sections are two-way traffic.
In ancient times, it was the way to enter Guangzhou from Rainbow Bridge (Simayong). In the early Qing Dynasty, it was called Wanshanli, and the eastern section was called Immigration City at that time. It got its name because the Qing government forced coastal residents from Panyu, Xin'an, Xiangshan and other counties to move here. Later, "moving" was changed to "yi" and it was called Yimin City. . A section of Xihua Road intersection originally had no street. The section from the end of Guangfu North Road to Rainbow Bridge is formed by merging Yimin City, Lien Kwai Fong, Rongwei and Rainbow Bridge Straight Streets, and ends at the railway. In 1933, the road was expanded and given its current name.
The color of vegetarian roast goose is generally slightly darker than that of vegetarian chicken cubes, and because the color is similar to roast goose, it is called "Zhai roast goose", and the cooking method is roughly the same as vegetarian chicken cubes. According to the operator of Huayuan Food in Hong Kong, vegetarian roast goose The biggest difference between goose and vegetarian chicken nuggets is the number of times the gluten is fried before draining the sauce. In the former, the gluten needs to be fried twice, while in the latter, it is only fried once. Therefore, the vegetarian goose has a harder and crispier texture, while the vegetarian chicken nuggets are softer and smokier. Tough, the two have different tastes, but they can satisfy different people's preferences.
The appearance of "Zhai roast goose" is very similar to that of vegetarian chicken. Although the name has the word "goose", it actually does not have goose meat. It is also a special snack in Hong Kong. However, whether vegetarian chicken cubes or vegetarian roast goose are pure vegetarians depends on whether chicken powder or chicken juice is added to the seasonings that may contain meat ingredients.


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00:00 Intro
00:56 西華路/小食街/平日一樣多人
11:20 老字號/網紅店/全部都要排隊
17:16 西華路/金花街市場買菜/市價如何?
23:08 誠成煎餃/冰花韭菜煎餃/餐廳坐滿人/偶遇齋燒鵝/小時候的味道
29:03 飯後甜點/自家糖水/自家養顏嚒喳/仙草椰奶芋圓
39:01 小食街/炭燒生蠔
44:04 Ending
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