廣州!偶遇觀眾!一起美食掃街!開心美食之旅!瀨粉8元!生煎包11元!齋燒鵝7元!本地人街市!舊城區最新樓價!旅遊美食推薦!街頭美食!西華路!龍津路!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州!偶遇觀眾!一起美食掃街!開心美食之旅!瀨粉8元!生煎包11元!齋燒鵝7元!本地人街市!舊城區最新樓價!旅遊美食推薦!街頭美食!西華路!龍津路!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #GuangZhou #旅遊

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/S2oVLNgRoP19X...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/b5/8d1
餐廳消費:瀨粉 ¥8
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/8dcMxuEigzEfr...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/0d/K3A
餐廳消費:生煎包 ¥11
在古代時,是從彩虹橋(驛馬涌)登岸進入廣州的道路。 清朝初年稱為萬善裡,當時東段稱移民市,因清政府強迫番禺、新安、香山等縣的沿海居民遷移到此而得名,後改“移”為“宜”,稱宜民市 。 西華路口一段,原來無街。 由光復北路尾至彩虹橋一段,是合併宜民市、連桂坊、榮圩及彩虹橋直街而成,而至鐵路止。 1933年擴建道路並定今名。
In ancient times, it was the way to enter Guangzhou from Rainbow Bridge (Simayong). In the early Qing Dynasty, it was called Wanshanli, and the eastern section was called Immigration City at that time. It got its name because the Qing government forced coastal residents from Panyu, Xin'an, Xiangshan and other counties to move here. Later, "moving" was changed to "yi" and it was called Yimin City. . A section of Xihua Road intersection originally had no street. The section from the end of Guangfu North Road to Rainbow Bridge is formed by merging Yimin City, Lien Kwai Fong, Rongwei and Rainbow Bridge Straight Streets, and ends at the railway. In 1933, the road was expanded and given its current name.
Apart from the residential areas, Xihua Road is home to many local restaurants that have been open for more than ten years, covering porridge, noodles, rice, desserts and snacks. It is a food street that is closer to local life.
俗話說,條條大路通羅馬。 走在廣州的大街小巷,我們會看到這些四通八達的道路名稱有“大道”“路”“街”“巷”等,但大家是否知道,廣州還有一些非常特別的道路,這些道路的名稱 採用了「通津」二字,如「寺貝通津」「前鑑通津」「築南通津」等。
驛巷通津位於荔灣區龍津東路驛巷的南側,清代時驛巷所在地原是驛站,所以稱為驛巷。 驛巷通津是連接驛巷的道路,故名,起於驛巷,止於高基大街,長約28米,寬約3米。
As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. Walking in the streets and alleys of Guangzhou, we will see the names of these roads extending in all directions, such as "Avenue", "Road", "Street", "Alley", etc. But do you know that there are also some very special roads in Guangzhou? The names of these roads The word "Tongjin" is used, such as "Sibei Tongjin", "Qianjian Tongjin", "Zhunan Tongjin", etc.
Yixiang Tongjin is located on the south side of Yixiang, Longjin East Road, Liwan District. In the Qing Dynasty, the location of Yixiang was originally a post station, so it was called Yixiang. Yixiang Tongjin is the road connecting Yixiang, hence the name. It starts from Yixiang and ends at Gaoji Street. It is about 28 meters long and 3 meters wide.


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00:00 Intro
00:44 西華路早餐美食之旅/偶遇香港觀眾/結伴同遊
08:58 第一津瀨粉/合興小食/8元一碗食到飽
16:35 初嘗騰元生煎包/11元4粒
19:58 遊覽西華路市場/最新樓價
34:33 龍津東路/驛巷美食
38:00 老奶奶的店/齋燒鵝/齋扎蹄
42:45 藏在巷子裡的腸粉店/豬潤腸粉
47:54 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #dim sum #Chinese # Food Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #旅遊 #美食 #掃街 #瀨粉 #生煎包 #齋燒鵝 #街市 #市場 #樓價 #街頭 美食 #西華路 #龍津路 #food tourism #food tour in china #vlog china #vlog camera #vlog travel #vlog study #china tourism vlog #china tourism


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