What Double Bass Fingering Method? Simandl, Rabbath?

Описание к видео What Double Bass Fingering Method? Simandl, Rabbath?

►Jason's course for beginners: https://courses.discoverdoublebass.co...

Jason Heath, host of bass podcast Contrabass Conversations and DDB tutor, joins Geoff Chalmers from Discover Double Bass to talk about the basics of the two main double bass fingering methods - Simandl and Rabbath. Jason tells us which method he grew up learning, the method he teaches his students and why, and the main differences between the two systems.

Which fingering system do you prefer? Let us know in the comments!

Want to hear more from Jason?
Beginner's Classical Bass - Online Video Course
Interviews with Jason
Lessons with Jason
   • Jason Heath Double Bass Lessons  

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