CUHK Team Cheers on the Announcement of 2017 Physics Nobel Laureates 中大重力波團隊慶祝諾貝爾物理學獎公佈一刻

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Kudos to American Scientists Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne for winning this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics for LIGO’s successful detection of gravitational waves! Being the only team from a HK institute involved in the detection work, Prof. Tjonnie G. F. LI of the Department of Physics at CUHK and the researchers he has been leading celebrate the good news together!

恭喜3位美國科學家Rainer Weiss、Barry C. Barish和Kip S. Thorne憑LIGO的重力波探測成果,奪得2017諾貝爾物理學獎!作為唯一參與研究的香港院校團隊,中大物理系黎冠峰教授與隊友一起等待結果公佈,知道LIGO獲獎的一刻,歡呼鼓掌!


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