BMO’s First Flights with other Parrots

Описание к видео BMO’s First Flights with other Parrots

Managed to edit (poorly) some videos and upload, but it’s still going to be quiet over next few weeks as i move to the sunshine coast and finish essays.
BMO had his first flights with the other birds! And he looooooved it, he was alot more relaxed and comfortable. I only brought Dory this time around as her energy is alot calmer, Pabu would be too intense and hassle BMO non stop.
However now that he has done so well Pabu is coming out next! 🙌
As you see at the start of video there was x3 wild yellow tailed blacks, of course they left before bumi arrived haha theres also alot of wild corellas and galahs, these are not ours incase anyone wanders why they were being anti social haha
BMO’s flight skills have improved drastically and he is honestly the fastest most active & agile ekkie ive seen free fly so far! Also very very chatty, he has learnt pabu’s little beep boops which is now his go to sound 😂
Mowgli and Bumi were loving the splashing water! They spent forever playing in it, for those who are new mowgli from a baby had skeletal malformation hence why he cannot fly however is super spoilt and loved! Very cute.
Pascal the little smoochy hahns macaw is one of the bubs i reared in older videos, kai was getting suuuuper affectionate with him and a few other birds too. He’s just a love bug!
Everyone had a good time and really took advantage of stretching their wings and utilising their play time.
BMO has never flown as much as he did with the other birds, had a blast! However Dory is still a little jelly belly when it comes to focus being taken away from her or is a bird is getting attention off me.
Apologies for all our “baby voices” for all parrot and pet owners im sure you understand why we naturally do it lol but listening back to it all while editing can be cringeworthy for me, i swear our voices are several octaves lower 😂
Please remember to never ever try this at home, our birds are specifically free flight trained which makes them drastically different to pet indoor parrots. If you want more info or directions on how to start please read the info on
All Birds in Video
BMO (beemo) - eclectus male
Pascal - hahns macaw
Bumi - yellow tailed black cockatoo
Mowgli - yellow tailed black cockatoo
Mia - galah (lutino)
Kevin - galah
Dory - quaker
Emery - black capped lory
Kai - black lory
Jaja - galah (not free flight)


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