A surprise for a woman who gave her friend with a car after years of struggling

Описание к видео A surprise for a woman who gave her friend with a car after years of struggling

EastIdahoNews.com and Ashley HomeStore in Idaho Falls and Pocatello are teaming up every week to bring you some good news during Feel Good Friday!

We want to thank people in our community with random acts of kindness and leave you feeling good.

A few months ago we received this email from a woman named Heidi:

I first met Niki about 15 years ago. We became instant friends. She has always been such a wonderful person and mother.

Fast forward about five years and I was going through such a difficult time in my life. I was using drugs and at the worst place in my life. Niki was the only person that reached out to me asking how she could help me. She so desperately wanted to help but unfortunately, I was not ready for the help.

I am now over six years clean and sober and on a very different path in life, which is beautiful. I thank God every day for guiding me through addiction and being able to live each day with my children and family.

The past year and a half I have struggled with my car. Something always breaking down and needs repairs. Niki would always text me and say “My husband can help you with your car” and he did. Such a kind man…Mid July, my car broke down outside of my sister’s house and my sister received a letter from the city stating it needed moved by a certain date or she would start getting fined everyday.

Niki again texted me and said her husband could help. July 31st was my birthday and Niki told me her husband would try and have my car running that weekend. On my way home to Idaho Falls that Friday evening, Niki asked me to stop by her home so I could pick up my birthday present. So I did. As we were standing outside in the driveway, she handed me a wrapped gift a little bigger than my palm and said to go ahead and open it.

As I started to unwrap this gift, I noticed her husband out of the corner of my eye recording me with his phone. I was thinking to myself, ‘Why would he need to record me?’ I opened the box and looked inside and I seen a set of car keys!! I instantly started crying. I just was in total shock. Her husband opened their garage door and inside was a beautiful car with a big pink bow wrapped around the top.

I cried and held my friend and just thanked her for all her and her husband has done for me and my family.

We wanted to thank Niki for making such a difference in Heidi’s life. Watch us surprise her at work in the video player above!


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