Mega Man & Bass [Mega Man] Part 11 - King Stage 2 (NO DAMAGE / BUSTER Mostly)

Описание к видео Mega Man & Bass [Mega Man] Part 11 - King Stage 2 (NO DAMAGE / BUSTER Mostly)

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To say Mega got the short end of the stick here is an understatement, it implies Mega even got a stick at all.

* Start - 00:00
** Boss: King Tank - 01:25
* Interlude 1 - 03:55
** Boss: King Plane - 05:05
* Interlude 2 - 07:00
** Boss: King (Round 1) - 08:16
** Boss: King (Round 2) - 09:35
** Boss: Jet King Robo - 11:39

Holy mother of all nuts and bolts, this level is merciless and, unlike Bass, Mega Man has no "freebies" fights like King Plane and Jet King Robo for Bass, this thing is a nightmare from the first fight until the very end.

King Tank is mostly the same as Bass' fight: keep a close eye to where it stops to bombard you with artillery bombs and shoot, be prepared to hear the machine gun or the charge attack noise and dodge accordingly. The back shuttle must be dealt with patience since you'll have to chip it away with small buster shots.

King Plane is one of the worst fights here. If that things wants you dead it'll kill you dead and that's final. Its "punch missiles" can break platforms and while you can jump from one another if the height is high enough, jumping from a lower to a higher platform is basically impossible.

Speaking of almost impossible, the same goes to breaking the charge laser from this stupid thing with the Mega Buster. You're supposed to use Remote Mines, Copy Vision, anything else than the Buster shot and it shows. No, seriously, fuck that charge laser attack.

One last thing to note: you can break the missiles, but good freaking luck doing that using only the Buster unless that thing is aimed straight at you.

King is the only fight that's slightly easier for Mega Man since his slide kick is much more efficient to dodge King's jumps than Bass' dash.

Jet King Robo? While this is essentially the victory lap for Bass, good grief, this fight is also a nightmare to finish on a Buster Only handicap.

The reason for this being the pellet spam, if King uses it close to your side it's ridiculously difficult to deal with it without taking a hit. One thing to note is that the two upper pellets can endure more hits than the lower ones; break the lower ones to give you some breathing room and destroy the others. Don't even try to jump over them since these things will home on you with almost perfect accuracy at short ranges.

The rest of Jet King Robo's attacks are easy to handle: the artillery bombs can be avoided by standing under the platform and the laser crystal is far easier to break compared to King Plane's.

Sidenote: Even though I made this level look like this is the hardest thing in Mega Man history to finish, being honest: it isn't. But beating it using only the buster? Scary. Beating it without taking damage? Terrifying. And also while using Mega Man? Horrifying.


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