Как приготовить пасту из белой фасоли и вкусный лунный пирог

Описание к видео Как приготовить пасту из белой фасоли и вкусный лунный пирог

白芸豆馅或者叫白豆沙馅,炒制的过程还是简单的,用到的材料也不多,我把之前用水煮白芸豆的视频链接加在这里,有需要的话可以点击👇   • 如何制作白芸豆馅|免烤摩卡咖啡月饼|How to make White B...  ,这次我是用蒸的方法,在炒馅时节省了一半多的时间。
说起白芸豆也叫菜豆的功效与作用是人们不能不知道的,因为芸豆主要的产地就是在美洲的墨西哥和阿根廷,我买的是产自美国的白芸豆,英文名字是:Lima Beans, 我更习惯叫它:White Beans, 它不仅仅属于一种美味可口的食物,还是属于一种有效的养生保健药材。

蔬菜油或玉米油 50克 (分3次加入)

300克的芸豆经过浸泡,炒制后可以得到约550克的芸豆馅 (我是用600克的白芸豆,炒完馅是1100克,我用它来做米糕和芸豆月饼),你如果喜欢吃,那么在我给出食材的量上翻倍即可。

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vegetable oil or corn oil 50
caster sugar 80g
White beans or Lima Beans 300g
Steam for 30-35 minutes after water boiling

In this video, I made a very delicious white kidney bean filling, which is also the main ingredient of Japanese wagashi. The fried kidney bean filling can be eaten directly. I pressed 5 moon cake molds, and 2 of them have been taken by me after the video is shot. After eating 😄, I really like its delicate and sweet taste.
White kidney bean stuffing or white bean paste stuffing, the frying process is still simple, and there are not many materials used. I have added the video link of cooking white kidney beans with water here. If you need it, you can click 👇https://youtu .be/0asVHcHJd6Q, this time I used the steaming method, which saved more than half the time when frying the stuffing.
Speaking of the efficacy and function of white kidney beans, also known as kidney beans, people must know, because the main producing areas of kidney beans are Mexico and Argentina in the Americas. I bought white kidney beans from the United States. The English name is: Lima Beans, I More used to call it: White Beans, it is not only a delicious food, but also an effective health care medicine.
White kidney beans contain a lot of protein, iron ions, calcium ions, and B vitamins. After eating this kind of white kidney beans, it can effectively promote the metabolism of the skin and replenish the moisture of the skin. So people often use it to stew soup, make desserts, stuffing and pickles

After soaking 300 grams of kidney beans, you can get about 550 grams of kidney bean filling after frying (I used 600 grams of white kidney beans, the filling is 1100 grams after frying, I use it to make rice cakes and kidney bean moon cakes), if you like Eat, then double the amount of ingredients I give.


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