How to Identify Oxidation & Reduction in Reactions (General Chemistry I)

Описание к видео How to Identify Oxidation & Reduction in Reactions (General Chemistry I)

*I recommend watching this in x1.25 - 1.5 speed

This video goes over how to determine which element undergoes reduction and which undergoes oxidation in a chemical reaction. This should give a solid background to the topic and prepare us to go over full on "Redox" problems coming up soon. As long as you keep in mind that electrons are negatively charged and losing an electron increases the charge, using OIL RIG to find the oxidized element and the reduced element shouldn't be too difficult.

This video tutorial was requested in a comment on a previous video. Hope this is what you were asking for Thelzaya100! Let me know below in the comments if anyone would like more examples of any particular problem type. What are you guys struggling with most?

Hope this helps someone! Let me know down below if:
- you have an easier way to do these
- you found a mistake or want clarification on something
- you found this helpful :D

* I am not an expert in this topic. I am just a clinical lab scientist and life-long student who learns best from videos/visual representations and demonstration and have often turned to Youtube for help learning. My hope is that others in the same boat find and benefit from this.

Main Helpful Sources:
-Khan Academy


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