[Audiobook] 世家公卿之乐霖传 00 Legend of Yuelin | 晋朝历史爱情剧 Historical Romance Novel HD

Описание к видео [Audiobook] 世家公卿之乐霖传 00 Legend of Yuelin | 晋朝历史爱情剧 Historical Romance Novel HD

Synopsis: The Anime Audiobook "The Legend of Yuelin 世家公卿之樂霖傳" is about a legendary love story of Wei Jie and Yue Lin in Jin Dynasty. Wei Jie is the grandson of Wei Guan, who is a famous official of the Jin Dynasty. Yue Lin is the daughter of the famous scholar Yue Guang. They were engaged by their parents and connected by a strange dream. Then Wei's Family was executed by Empress Jia Nanfeng after the "Yang Jun Event". 8-years-old Wei Jie survived because of his absence. From that moment, Wei Jie devoted himself to the battle with Empress Jia Nanfeng. Yue Lin witnessed all his strategies, tricks, and plans. She feared and refused but finally admired and loved him. Jia Nanfeng was finally killed by the princes of Jin who were assisted by Wei Jie. After the “War of the Eight Princes” and “Invasion and rebellion of the Five Barbarians”, the Jin government became weak and fell at the “Disaster of Yongjia” event. Wei Jie believed that it was his revenge to lead the chaos. So he supported different princes and tried his best to re-build a peaceful world. At last, Prince Sima Rui established Eastern Jin Dynasty with the support of Wei Jie and other famous big families. Wei Jie saved the world and redeemed himself. Unexpectedly he chose to resign and lived a simple but happy life with his wife Yue Lin and their kids!

故事简介: 全球同步首发动漫有声书《世家公卿之乐霖传 The Legend of Yuelin》是一部讲述晋朝时期的历史爱情传奇大剧。男主卫玠是西晋重臣卫瓘之孙,心思缜密、才高八斗;女主乐霖是当世大儒乐广之女,豁达开朗、商业敏锐。两人因梦结缘,亦自幼订立婚约。卫瓘家族在“杨骏之乱”后被皇后贾南风满门抄斩,年仅8岁的卫阶因外出寻医避过此祸。此后卫阶一直在积蓄力量,并等待机会向皇后贾南风复仇!乐霖目睹卫玠设计贾谧、潘安、孙秀等人之后,从恐惧到钦佩,从拒绝到贴心,两个人在经历过大起大落之后,最终成为灵魂伴侣。贾南风最终被卫阶辅佐的大晋王爷们送到金墉城,喝下金屑酒自尽!天下第一美男潘安与石崇也被斩首!“八王之乱”后的西晋王朝实力大损,“五胡乱华”和“永嘉之祸”也最终导致西晋王朝的灭亡。但以匡扶社稷为一生目标的卫阶在乐霖的陪伴下,始终没有放弃,最终辅佐司马睿创立东晋王朝,也救赎了自己!功成名就后的卫阶急流勇退,陪伴乐霖和孩子隐居世外桃源,过着幸福美好的生活!

出品 Studio: 杭州笙和文化 Sheng He Culture
作者 Writer: 钱塘苏小 Qian Tang Su Xiao
主播 Announcers: 橘子菌 Ju Zi Jun, 阿尘ER Ah Chen ER, 凌川 Ling Chuan, 懒愚 Lan Yu, 寻常 Xun Chang, 六娃 Liu Wan, 狐狸酱 Hu Li Jiang, 商陆 Shang Lu
后期 Post Production: 橘子菌 Ju Zi Jun, 阿尘ER Ah Chen ER, 英子画本Ying Zi Hua Ben, 四个包子 Si Ge Bao Zi, 灵均 Ling Jun, 声匠传音 Sheng Jiang Chuan Yin
题材 Genres: 古装 历史 History, 爱情 Romance
集数 Episodes: 406
年代 Year: 2021

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