Final Farewell #5-Caramel Corn in Microwave & Peanut Brittle

Описание к видео Final Farewell #5-Caramel Corn in Microwave & Peanut Brittle

To order Cookbook: http://nanny-cooks-from-the-ozarks.sq...
To order Cookbook: http://nanny-cooks-from-the-ozarks.sq...

This is the most popular video I have posted. It's perfect for this holiday season: Caramel Popcorn in Microwave and Peanut Brittle (made on top of stove). Both recipes are quick and easy and family friendly (be sure to have adults supervise and oversee while making both of these recipes.
Caramel Corn-Microwave
1 c brown sugar
1 stick butter
¼ c white corn syrup (or can use sorghum)
½ tsp salt
½ tsp baking soda
1 cup nuts (optional)
About 4 quarts popped corn
1 large brown paper grocery bag with about 2 inches cut of the top
Pop the corn and remove as many uncooked kernels as possible.
Place popped corn into the brown paper bag.
Combine all ingredients except baking soda and popped corn. Cook in a 1 ½ quart pan. Bring to boil and boil 2 minutes on high. Remove from heat and add baking soda (watch it because it will foam up). Pour over popped corn that has been placed in a brown grocery bag. Stir and shake well (be careful, it is extremely hot). Fold bag over twice at top. Cook in microwave (I use 70% power on my microwave) for 1 ½ minutes. Take out, shake, and cook for another 1 ½ minutes. Remove from microwave, shake again, and pour onto a large cookie sheet, spread out and cool.
Note: can add nuts to popped corn before adding cooked mixture.

Peanut Brittle
2 c sugar
1 c corn syrup 2 t vanilla
1/2 c water 2 t soda
2 c raw peanuts 2 T butter
½ t salt
Note: a black iron skillet works well for this recipe

Generously butter a large high sided cooking sheet.

In large skillet or pan mix: sugar, water, salt & syrup and cook about 10 minutes (or to 250 degrees). Add raw peanuts & stir constantly. Cook until peanuts are toasty brown, about 8-10 minutes (or 300 degrees), add butter. Remove from heat & add baking soda & vanilla. Stir quickly & thoroughly. Pour at once onto the buttered cookie sheet. Do not spread with spoon, instead with 2 forks lift & pull peanut mixture into a rectangle about 14X12. Cool, break into pieces.


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