How to Measure Video Success with Cara North

Описание к видео How to Measure Video Success with Cara North

So, you’ve mastered the basics of producing video training content. What now?

The work isn’t over just yet. After creating videos, it’s essential to measure their impact and effectiveness. Only by doing so will your videos improve, become more engaging, and have a great impact on your audience.

For tips on how to do this, Cara North, Operations Training Manager at Silfex, joins this episode of The Visual Lounge.

Cara shares her best tips for assessing the effectiveness of your videos, measuring KPIs, and why you should always be on the lookout for feedback. She explains her three-step process for improving your videos and boosting engagement.

Learning points from the episode include:
• Why learning and development departments need to always add value with their content
• Why not all training has to be a video
• The value of doing something different and experimenting
• Cara’s three top tips for creating instructional videos
• Why content should always fit the medium
• Common mistakes in L&D departments

Important links and mentions:
• Cara North’s website:

To read the blog post on the topic or listen to the podcast episode, go to:

#instructionalvideo #thevisuallounge #videocontent


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