Empower HR and Practice Leaders with insights into employee retention using AI and ServiceNow.

Описание к видео Empower HR and Practice Leaders with insights into employee retention using AI and ServiceNow.

Welcome to the first episode of our new YouTube series, Builder Series on AI with ServiceNow!

In this video, we'll walk you through a cutting-edge application designed to empower HR and Practice Leaders with predictive insights into employee retention. Our AI-driven model, built on employee data, allows leaders to forecast the potential survival time of employees, enabling better planning and resource allocation for the future.

What You'll Learn:
Application Architecture: Understand the flow and components involved, including Docker, FastAPI, Uvicorn, and ServiceNow integration.
Employee Data Analysis: See how employee profiles are analyzed using data from IBM Synthetic HR Database.
Model Building and EDA: Dive into the process of model building and exploratory data analysis (EDA) with Kaggle datasets.
Real-Time Predictions: Learn how to make real-time predictions on employee survival using the AI model and present the results through a user-friendly HR UI.
Key Highlights:
Integration of FastAPI with Docker for seamless deployment.
Leveraging ServiceNow for efficient data requests and response handling.
Using Hugging Face for managing and retrieving data.
Practical demonstration of model predictions to answer critical HR queries.
Additional Resources:
Kaggle Notebook for Model Creation and EDA: https://www.kaggle.com/code/xero07m/s...
Docker and FastAPI Files on Hugging Face: https://huggingface.co/spaces/xeroISB...
Stay tuned for more exciting content in our Builder Series on AI with ServiceNow, where we'll continue to explore innovative solutions and best practices in AI and machine learning applications.


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