Twisted Metal 2: World Tour - Tournament w/ Axel (HARD)

Описание к видео Twisted Metal 2: World Tour - Tournament w/ Axel (HARD)

Emulated with Duckstation
Recorded with OBS Studio
Controller (EasySMX Wired)

So close to sub 23min, but I highly doubt I'd ever try to push the time lower, because I'm having no luck or respect from the CPU players with Axel. The insanity I've had to deal with from the best non-unlock vehicle really makes you wonder what kinda pills they were taking when the designed the AI on Hard Mode. This is currently the "World Record" time for Tournament Mode on Hard Difficulty since I doubt they accept Minion times.

Los Angeles:
Good enough

Can't make magic happen here, although the time isn't bad at all.

Felt faster than what it was. For some reason the game wants to stop me here with Axel because I died here more often than the other maps for some reason. Overaggression isn't good even with Axel.

Started off solid then went to complete shit. If I played this right I would've easily gotten sub 23min, but I can only tolerate so much of this insanity. Usually this map is a breeze, but I got caught up somehow.

New York:
Not bad. I toned down the aggression here because the CPU for some particular reason have Minion's spirit in them, and spam non stop when you're in their sight lines.

Solid. The beginning was rough because I took too much damage, but the AI cooperated very well here.

Could've been faster, but this is probably the fastest I've ever completed this arena, and it didn't cause too many headaches.

Hong Kong:
Good, good, good. Had too much of a close call because the shield didn't activate fast enough with Warthog & his buddy.

Dark Tooth:
The game cheated me out of a sub 23min because it stripped me of my homing missiles. This game has witchcraft in it, I'm convinced.


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