Dr. William Chen: Utilizing grain waste streams for microbial fermentation

Описание к видео Dr. William Chen: Utilizing grain waste streams for microbial fermentation

Seminar Series: The Science of Alt. Protein
Utilizing grain waste streams for microbial fermentation
September 23rd, 2020

Can fermented spent grains be a successful replacement for yeast culture medium? In order to make microbial protein an alternative food source that is both cost-effective and sustainable, we can use fermented side-streams from Singapore’s food processing industry to replace commercial culture medium. Join William Chen, the Michael Fam Chair Professor in Food Science & Technology at Nanyang Technology University Singapore, as he demonstrates the use of solution from fermented spent grains —an effort initially launched to reduce food waste in Singapore—as a novel culture medium to make microbial proteins part of our future food system.

Meet the speaker: Dr. William Chen is the Michael Fam Chair Professor and Director of NTU’s Food Science & Technology Programme (NTU FST). In addition to developing talent in partnership with Wageningen University & Research (WUR), NTU FST focuses on developing food tech innovations aimed at reducing food waste and powering a circular economy in Singapore. William’s experience in food technology and his views on food security have been featured in the mainstream local and international media. In 2019, CNN’s ‘Going Green’ program described Professor Chen as a game-changing leader in the green food system.

Moderator: Amy Huang, University Innovation Specialist, The Good Food Institute

Check out some of our resources:
-GFI's Fermentation State of the Industry Report: https://www.gfi.org/industry
-2020 Symposium on Fermentation: https://hopin.to/events/symposium-on-...
-Collaborative Research Directory: https://www.gfi.org/collaborate
-Research Grants: https://www.gfi.org/researchgrants

About The Good Food Institute:
The Good Food Institute is a global nonprofit building a sustainable, healthy, and just food system. Our scientists, entrepreneurs, lawyers, business analysts, and policy experts are harnessing the power of food innovation and markets to accelerate the transition of the world’s food system to plant-based and cultivated meat, eggs, and dairy.
Learn more about the organization at https://www.gfi.org
Sign up for updates about our work at https://bit.ly/2W93SSm

Want to join our good food community? Visit gfi.org/gfideas

GFIdeas is a community for entrepreneurs, scientists, students, and subject matter experts who together form an ecosystem creating alternatives to conventional animal products. Our community focuses on three categories of food technology: plant-based protein, using plants to biomimic conventional animal products; fermentation, growing microorganisms to produce food ingredients; and cellular agriculture, cultivating genuine animal meat directly from cells.


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