Raven Spirit Animal | Raven Totem & Power Animal | Raven Symbolism & Meanings

Описание к видео Raven Spirit Animal | Raven Totem & Power Animal | Raven Symbolism & Meanings

Learn about your Raven Spirit Animal. See your Raven Totem & Power Animal, too! Get in-depth information on Raven Symbolism and Meanings. Discover how Raven energy and medicine can support, strengthen, and inspire you!

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Intro to Raven:

When Raven as a spirit animal guide comes cawing loudly into your life, it marks a moment to pause and give serious consideration to the messages coming your way.

Black as midnight, it’s not surprising to discover that, in many cultures, Raven symbolism and meaning is connected with death and the underworld.

At first this meaning may seem dire, but the representation need not be literal.

Rather, it’s most likely that something is about to transform your life. Whether positive or negative, total transformation is usually dramatic. And, so, Raven spirit can help guide you safely through the fray.

Remember that Raven consumes the remains of other creatures, giving this bird the additional symbolic value of cleansing.

Perhaps there is something old and unhealthy that you need to purge?

Raven is a great helpmate for that. Raven is also an excellent teacher, guide, and partner for magical studies and efforts.

Let this sage master “call” to the quarters of creation with your intention.

Raven has been called a master of time. Procrastinators out there get ready.

If Raven wings his way into your awareness you are about to get a lesson in using time wisely. You need to be in the right space at the right moment, and Raven encourages that change in movement in your life.

Effectively this animal spirit is one that presages a kind of rebirth or renewal when your life may have seemed stagnant.

The ancient Greeks trusted in Raven to carry messages from the Divine, particularly Apollo. This means that while Raven spirit is tied closely to the night, it also has solar qualities.

Working with Raven is a way of boosting your powers of observation and bringing anything that lingers in the shadows into a healthy light.

Ravens have a very distinctive voice and a vast vocabulary. They are among the smartest birds in nature, so don’t be surprised if you start finding that your communication skills improve.

Raven reminds us to stay true to our voice.

You might find yourself feeling a little nervous when Raven decides to speak to your life. That’s natural.

Remember, however, that Raven is a fierce protector sacred to Morrigan. Raven also was the totem to the Queen of the Fairies.

One thing is for certain, with Raven around your life will not want for mystical adventures and spiritual surprises.

Raven Spirit Animal:
Some Native American tribes call the Raven a ‘secret keeper’. When you have a Raven spirit animal you must not give your promises of confidentiality lightly, nor give away information given to you in trust.

Raven has no patience for two-faced dishonesty and calls those with whom it interacts to rise to new levels of honor.

People walking the path of the Mysteries are often sought out by Raven spirit. This being prefers to share its knowledge with someone who appreciates the depth and breadth of the Adept, including the challenges that await along that Path.

In the sunlight the color of Raven isn’t simply black, but appears to transform into various shades of blue. Raven can also mimic the sounds of other birds. This means that seekers interested in learning the art of shape shifting would do well to seek out Raven for his teachings.

No matter what, if Raven is your Spirit animal always listen to her warnings respectfully. She is there to protect and guide.

What Is My Spirit Animal is dedicated to helping people connect with and learn from their animal spirit guides. What Is My Spirit Animal can show you how to find your spirit animal, understand your totem animal, and tap into the energy of your power animal.

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