Hawk Spirit Animal | Hawk Totem & Power Animal | Hawk Symbolism & Meanings

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Learn about your Hawk Spirit Animal. See your Hawk Totem & Power Animal, too! Get in-depth information on Hawk Symbolism and Meanings. Discover how Hawk energy and medicine can support, strengthen, and inspire you!

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Intro to Hawk Spirit Animal:
Hawk Symbolism & Meaning:
When Hawk swoops into your life, be ready for a whole new level of awareness developing in your mind and spirit. Hawk bears observation skills and broad perspectives on His wings. You could not ask for a better companion if you’ve been working on your overall insights.

Hawk is often a messenger from Angels, Devas, and the Divine. He signals a time in your life when you need to focus on what’s ahead and prepare for a leadership role. Your global vision is a potent helpmate in this. Just as the Hawk, you are ready to fly higher than ever before.

It is not unusual for Hawk to inspire a time when you begin working heavily with new divination methods. Effectively, you’re learning to trust your inner guidance and Higher Self. Do not simply brush off gut instincts as being happenstance. When Hawk is around, these moments become far more frequent. Direct your attention to the messages you’re getting and let Hawk hone your focus.

In nature, Hawk is a bird of prey; this means that you are learning a lot about timing your actions. Hawk medicine begins with observation and ends with swift, decisive, and successful movement. Do not be surprised if you find your psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance, growing. One of Hawk’s greatest attributes is their vision, but in a spiritual setting, this applies to not just physical sight but supernatural “seeing” too.

In ancient times Hawk was associated with the soul. The Egyptians, for example, depicted the human spirit as a Hawk that flew out of the body and reincarnated as a Hawk. Notably, Horus, the sky god, also held Hawk sacred. Similarly, the Greeks associated Hawk with Jupiter, the chief among all gods.

Hawk Spirit Animal:
As a Spirit Animal, Hawk teaches awareness. The universe is trying to send you a message. It makes sense that it is vital for you interpret the spiritual message correctly and internalize the associated lesson, right? Absolutely. But when this bird of prey presents as your Spirit Animal, you are now on notice that even the most ordinary of circumstances could have deeper meanings.

Hawks have the sharpest eyesight of all Raptors; this signifies that it’s time for you to pause and pay attention – to everything. In particular, Hawk challenges you to get a higher perspective on something that’s been holding you back. Until you get the “big picture” you could remain stagnant. Also, Hawks hunt in groups. When Hawk shows, perhaps it’s time to ask yourself about the company you keep – in both your personal and professional life. What people do you currently consider part of your true soul group? In times of trouble, who would come to your aid and who would fly away in fear – leaving you suspended in mid-air with no ally at your flank?

Hawk medicine can be a bit of a bitter pill to swallow as it not only asks us to consider who our real friends are but if we are a “real” friend to others. Hawks often mate for life; with this and their group hunting practices, Hawks perfectly exemplify the “all for one and one for all” pledge. Do you have the courage to stand up for your friends and family during times of duress? Have the others in your group misplaced their trust in you, or will you fly to their defense should the occasion arise?
What Is My Spirit Animal is dedicated to helping people connect with and learn from their animal spirit guides. What Is My Spirit Animal can show you how to find your spirit animal, understand your totem animal, and tap into the energy of your power animal.

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