Matt McKeen | The Passage

Описание к видео Matt McKeen | The Passage

You know it’s going to be a beautiful day when you wake up and realize that legendary shredder and Hella Grip Homie, Matt McKeen has released a new video. I feel like a World News anchor because I get to announce to y’all that today happens to be one of those euphoric days. Do you even care to read the rest of this now that you know an epically enjoyable edit awaits your hungry eyes? I’ll make it brief-ish and just focus on my sincere appreciation for everything that McKeen does to keep the world of scootering churning. Technically, the main purpose of this video is to promote his signature sheet of Hella Grip and newly-released shirt (both titled “The Passage”), but I think I can postulate that this is more about the promotion of perseverance and longevity. McKeen is already a Hall of Fame rider, so any footage we get to see of him is a huge gift to the realm of sports. The fact that he still shreds and improves as an older rider is a testament to the rewards of maintaining passion. If you’re a young rider, or older but just beginning to ride, I hope you can use athletes like McKeen as an example of the glory you can achieve in your latter years of athletic ability. While many guys/gals succumb to thoughts about slowing down towards their 30’s, McKeen has proven that you can fight through those fraudulent age barriers (Sorry to make him sound hella old, but I think most of you get what I’m talking about)." - the Boss McMasher

Guest Riders:
Kevin Closson
Anton Abramson
Andrew Haag
Addison McNaughton
Grant Schofield
Jack Colston

Filmed by:
Anton Abramson
Parrish Isaacs
Jon Hamrick
Jack Colston
Ryan Ruegg
Jonny 2B

Song: Break the Black Ice - Death in June


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