Handmade Khmer Tiles in Siem Reap - Cambodia

Описание к видео Handmade Khmer Tiles in Siem Reap - Cambodia

We just wanted to show you guys how they make these handmade Khmer Tiles in Siem Reap, Cambodia, because you can see them in use in many of our videos. So, basically, anyone in Cambodia that care about tiles, have these. And you’ll see these tiles at Raffles, at FCC, at Babel Guesthouse and even in Nesat Village at the Garden of Edens.

They are made with a tecknique that the French brought with them during the colonial times. There are not many places that make tiles this way anymore, but her in Siem Reap, we get to see how it’s done! Even I want tiles like this, now that I know how they are made, and I bet you do too..Thanks for watching:)


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