Moskva rolat

Описание к видео Moskva rolat

Moskva rolat:
8 žumanjaka
8 žl šećera
1 vanilin šećer
1 puding vanilin
500 ml mlijeka
150 g maslaca ili margarina
100 g bijele čokolade
Skuhati kremu, u ohlađenu dodati izrađeni maslac i otopljenu čokoladu.
8 bjelanjaka
Prstohvat soli
120 g šećera
120 g mljevenih oraha
2 vanilin šećera
1 velika žl brašna
2 žl gustina
Miksati pjenasto bjelanjke sa prstohvatom soli, zatim dodati šećer i lupati dok ne dobijete čvrsti snijeg.
Orahe, brašno i gustin izmješati, lagano spatulom sjediniti te razmazati na pek papir u pleh dimenzija 32x42 cm.
Peći na 180* 10 min.
Nakon pečenja ga odmah zarolati u krpu. Ohladiti.
Krema od malina:
200 g smrznutih malina
2,5 žlice gustina
100 ml vode
50 g šećera
1 vanilin šećer
Razmutiti gustin sa vodom, dodati u maline u koje smo prethodno dodali šećer. Skuhati kremu. Ohladiti.
Rolat premazati žutom kremom, na rub dodsti piping vrećicom kremu od malina, motati od kraćeg kraja. Dobro ohladiti da se krema stabilizira. Ostaviti dio kreme za ikrašavanje rolata. Cijeli postupak i video recept imate kao i uvijek na @youtube kanalu @just.katebake ▶️
P.S. Ukoliko ne želite kuhati kremu od malina - dodajte svježe maline, ananas, višnje… još je lakše i jako fino!
#justkatebake #recept

Moscow roll:
8 egg yolks
8 tbsp of sugar
1 vanilla sugar
1 vanilla pudding
500 ml of milk
150 g of butter or margarine
100 g of white chocolate
Boil the cream, add the prepared butter and melted chocolate to the cooled cream.
8 egg whites
A pinch of salt
120 g of sugar
120 g of ground walnuts
2 vanilla sugar
1 large tablespoon of flour
2 tbsp starch
Mix the foamy egg whites with a pinch of salt, then add sugar and beat until you get firm snow. Mix walnuts, flour and thickener, mix lightly with a spatula and spread on parchment paper in a 32x42 cm baking tray.
Bake at 180* for 10 min.
After baking, immediately roll it up in a cloth. Cool down.
Raspberry cream:
200 g of frozen raspberries
2.5 tablespoons of starch
100 ml of water
50 g of sugar
1 vanilla sugar
Stir the mixture with water, add to the raspberries to which we previously added sugar.
Cook the cream.
Cool down.
Coat the roll with yellow cream, add raspberry cream to the edge with a piping bag, roll from the short end.
Cool well to stabilize the cream.
Leave some of the cream for decorating the rolls.
As always, you can find the entire procedure and video recipe on the @youtube channel @just.katebake ▶️
P.S. If you don't want to cook raspberry cream - add fresh raspberries, pineapple, cherries... it's even easier and very delicious! .

. #justkatebake #recipe


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