♦ Sims 1 vs Sims 2 vs Sims 3 vs Sims 4 : Christmas

Описание к видео ♦ Sims 1 vs Sims 2 vs Sims 3 vs Sims 4 : Christmas

Heyy, here's a Christmas themed video on the month of Christmas, groundbreaking! (I see my sub box and it's full of Christmas videos since last week!) I've had this on my list for a few years but I'm always pretty busy on December, so this year I decided to start filming on November so I could finish in time aaaand I finished way too early lol I thought it'd be more extensive for sure. I hope I got the basics here altho there's lots of tiny objects and stuff that wasn't covered but I hope I didn't leave out anything important.

So, Christmas, do you guys celebrate it? I do but I rarely do on the Sims so it was nice to get to explore tiny features like pissing Santa off.

My opinion?

Sims 1 did a good job since this expansion had way more going on so Christmas wasn't their main focus and you know, it's a pretty old game so I'll always give it extra points for setting the example. I think if they didn't come up with the idea of failing Santa with the cookies then maybe the rest of the games wouldn't have done that either.

Sims 2 was just ok for me, sure it's cool that Sims can interact with Santa and that he leaves coal but this is could've been included in Seasons imo, they were already thinking about gifts so why not christmas? Anyways, as always, little details like deer and trees that might kill my Sims are always welcomed to shake things up. I also like how Sims have a reaction to Santa.

Sims 3 could've done better for sure, not including a Santa NPC was a choice, specially because they used it as store content. People keep talking about how kits are moneygrabs but seeing what Sims 3 was doing before makes me unsurprised that this is what they're doing now. Anyways, there are things to love like the gift party and the festival obviously, but those are Seasons things so idk

Sims 4 actually put the thought into the holidays, specially Christmas, obviously I like being able to edit the traditions but I think the ones they set for Christmas were pretty spot on, of course, all of those things are things you can do on your own in the other games but I like having them layed out like that. No complains here other than I wish it was easier to piss father winter off cause I had to be mean to my whole household to finally get on the naught list lol, also, I wish his entrance was a bit more magical than a simple teletransportation.

But that's just my opinion, I don't expect everyone to agree with me, I'm not sure who's gonna win this because of this, so let me know your thoughts and I'll see you on the next one! I'm not sure if I'll finally get to work on Gnomes or TragicClown or something else but I hope this is not my last video of the year. The holidays came way too early this year, I thought we had more of 2021 left so it's wild to think we're so close to Christmas, times flies!

Rudolph My Deer - Of North
No Silent Night In Sight - Chimney Givers
Rocking Sleigh Ride - Chimney Givers

0:00 Visiting
6:21 Bad Outcome
8:28 Extras


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