NES Longplay [032] Kick Master (US)

Описание к видео NES Longplay [032] Kick Master (US)

Played by: Tsunao

I still had my FCEUX movie file from about 2 months ago. o_o

A buddy introduced me to this game. A pretty decent NES game made by the same people who made G.I. Joe and G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor. That is why they look the same. I actually enjoyed G.I. Joe.

Some stuff about a princess getting kidnapped by this sorceress chick named Belzed (other sources say Belzed is a male, but that is a lie.) You control a d00d named Thonolan who kicks the crap out of everything that stands in his way on his pursuit of revenge against Belzed.

Gameplay stuff: typical sidescroller with a RPG thing going on. You collect these medal thingies to increase Thonolan's level (max is 7. Any after nets a 1-Up). HP and MP is increased upon level up. Also, Thonolan gets a new attack for every level up. In this run, I abuse the hell out of the knee drop, since it destroys pretty much everything and anything that takes moar gets spammed (doesnt help that I seem to get invincibility frames. LOL) Another spammed move is the...LV3 special move (hard to hit with, but powerful nonetheless). Aside from medal thingies, health, magic potions, jewels (points), and skull-and-crossbone (does damage) also drop from enemies.

Along the way, Thonolan picks up magic skills from bosses. A few of them are optional, and one in particular is DIFFICULT to find (Magic Boots). I dont use much magic. =/

You may not see any items, but they are there. Blame CrapTube for its 30 FPS. Flickering and YouTube just doesnt mix.

I died a few times here and there. Earthquake was spammed on Belzed because she teleports TOO MUCH!! D: Collision damage is a b and she doesnt stay on the screen long enough. Dracula, eat your heart out.

The game also has 2 more quests (upped difficulty) that can be played when you complete the game. I'm just going to do the first quest because I suck at this game. G.I. Joe does the same quest thing (bomb locations changed, can only carry 2 characters. I personally made it to Quest 3 on an actual NES but lost the password. D: )

BTW: Sector 8 music = awesome (IMO)

Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!


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