So Loud it Made Ground Crews Sick - XF-84H Thunderscreech

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The Thunderscreech was an experimental American turboprop plane created to as an experimental variant of the the F-84 Thunderstreak fighter jet. Development began after the Navy issued a requirement seeking a carrier fighter that could take off without a catapult – a problem still facing jet powered aircraft at the time. Even though the Navy would cancel its order, the US Air Force would absorb the project for testing.

The US Air Force hoped to create a plane capable of breaking the unofficial record for the fastest propeller-driven aircraft. The Thunderscreech’s turbine engine was ideally suited for a supersonic propeller. At first, they promised that the aircraft would reach over 1,000 miles per hour. However, this hope was dashed soon after aerodynamic deficiencies and engine reliability issues doomed the program. Not to mention that the propeller was so loud, it reportedly made crews on the ground physically sick…

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